Build a mosque in this world
and build your palace in Jannah!
“Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
The ultimate investment in your Akhirah is a Sadaqah Jariyah that keeps on giving. What better investment is there than that of place of worship. By building a Masjid or Mosque, you’re not only providing a place of worship, you’re providing a hub for communities to gather, learn, hold community festivities and so much more!
Imagine the reward for every Sujood in prayer. Imagine the reward for every letter in the Quran that is learned and recited - what a blessing!
We take every single penny very seriously here at MZQ. It’s an honour to be the custodians of this Amanah - especially when it comes to investment in your Akhirah.
From the moment you process your donation and commit to building your Masjid (your house in Jannah Insha’Allah!), our teams refer to sites surveyed based on community needs. Often, this would be a village without a Masjid or villages where they’ve been destroyed due to conflict or natural disasters.
We have various options for Masjids depending on the type you wish to build and the location. All you need to do is make this beautiful intention, process your donation and leave the rest to our team.
£6,500 (Masjid for 100 to 125 musllis)
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